Impression of “The Eminence in Shadow, Vol. 5 “

Impression of “The Eminence in Shadow, Vol. 5 “

Attention –
These are my impressions of volume 5, which has not yet been published in English.
Please turn back if you do not want to know.

This document was translated by Deepl.

What kind of book?

The Eminence in Shadow is a storyline that jumps all over the place.
Apparently, they surveyed readers to determine interesting developments.
That’s why the development goes diagonally above and below expectations, so it feels messed up.
And that’s what makes it interesting.

After the third volume, there was no new issue for about two years. But, as soon as the anime was announced, he decided to publish volume 4.
Volume 4 was released at the same time as the announcement of the anime adaptation, around March 2021.

And volume 5 was released during the airing of the anime.
It was released on December 28, 2022.
We don’t know when it will be released.

The anime seems to be doing well.

And the second season of the anime will be produced.

Title of book read

The Eminence in Shadow, Vol. 5
Author  Daisuke Aizawa
Illustration by Touzai

Synopsis / Contents

The series has sold over 2 million copies!
A huge darkness suddenly looms over the supposedly peaceful Midgaru Mage Academy. ……
Students go missing one after another!
And even Cid’s older sister, Claire, disappears…….
Zeta, one of the Seven Shadows, sets out to investigate.
Sid and Alexia go into Claire’s room to …… investigate.
“This is …….”
I guessed it the moment I saw it.
Ancient letters, cool magic circle, spells that seem to make sense but don’t make sense at all.
This is a chuunibyou kurohistory notebook. ……
The TV anime is airing now!
The strongest protagonist x overwhelming chunibyou morbid x misunderstood serious comedy!

陰の実力者になりたくて! 05


New characters in Volume 5 are Zeta and Eta, the seven yin, the household of darkness.
Now the seven yin are all here.

Zeta is a beastman of the golden panther tribe, but Shadow (Sid) thinks he is a cat-beastman.

He thinks she’s playing spy-play, and he’s somewhat sorry for her.

Zeta’s loyalty to Shadow is a bit confusing.

However, Zeta does not get along well with Delta, a Blutbad, and gets angry when Delta eats the horse mackerel that Zeta presented to Shadow, and they get into a brawl.

Zeta has a rather heavy past.

Because of that, Zeta is involved in a plot to make Shadow (Cid) a god and build a world of gods.

Eta is an elf girl and a researcher.

She was analyzing the electronic devices on the earth that Beta brought back, but when she went through the gate, she was exposed to electromagnetic waves, and all the devices were damaged.

It seems that Beta is talking to Akane, who kidnapped her from the site.


Incidentally, Eta is not involved with Shadow.

In this volume, Sid’s sisters Claire and Alexia get involved in the missing student case with gusto.

But Claire’s first appearance in a long time is quite violent w that she has a collar to restrain Sid.

At first, when Claire was trying to talk to Aurora, she was kidnapped by the Diabolos cult.
However, Claire was not detained by the cult with Aurora’s support.
In addition, Zeta of the Seven Shades was also following her and prepared for her danger.
So, when the “Dark Smile” of the Named Children of the Diabolos cult appeared to restrain Claire, Zeta defeated them with an assailant.

Claire is rescued from the void, but…
The only place she comes out of is the classroom where Cid is taking his test…

And Sid, don’t cheat on the dossier.

But I really like the mobness of Jaga and Hyoro.
You’d rather study than do bad things!
I thought you were trying to be serious.

Claire suddenly appeared in the classroom during such a test, and she has a crest on her right hand, and she sometimes says that it tingles.
She also talks to herself in the air, which makes her brother Sid think she’s a chuunibyou.

That night, when Sid was casually strolling at night, he saw the “Dark Spider,” the successor to the “Dark Smile.
And when he tried to kill the witness ㇱd, he was turned back and skewered by the sword raised by the statue with too much force.

The incident complicates the investigation of the Knights of the King’s Landing.

At that time, Claire teamed up with Alexia to find out what was going on.
The Diabolos cult commits a terrorist attack at the school, targeting the girls.

They kidnap many students with fog and attach collars to them to absorb their magical power.

When all the magic is absorbed, the collars explode and fall off their necks.
Bad taste.

Under such circumstances, Sid dares to mob play.

He plays the role of Suzuki-kun, a classmate of Sid’s, who was a fellow mob member and who died unexpectedly in the riot.

And he will be working with the other students.
Suzuki-kun’s stock stopped!

In the end, he tells them that Suzuki-kun died because he revealed that it was Shadow’s disguise, so there’s that.

It’s serious, but Sid is doing it in a playful, chuunibi way, so the tension gap is interesting.

By the way.
I wonder if Akane is doing well?
Maybe it won’t come out until a few volumes later?

Will there be a follow-up volume in the first place?

I hope it won’t be Eternal…

Thank you for reading to the end.


陰の実力者になりたくて! シリーズ

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